As I’m writing this, I’m preparing to go on a trip out of the Garden State for a few days. Not long, but just enough to miss the good ol’ dirty Jerz.
A few days away really puts into perspective what’s so great about New Jersey, other states just don’t function the way we do.
So am I alone in this or do you also miss these things after some time out of state?
To put it bluntly, we get s*** done in New Jersey. There’s no dilly-dallying. Anytime I’m in another state it seems like everything takes MUCH longer than we would allow, from placing an order at a fast food place to grocery store cashiers.
To be clear, I think we should have the option of pumping our own gas, but I can’t deny that it’s a bit of a luxury.
When going to other states’ gas stations I almost feel the urge to flex that we don’t have to get out of our cars in New Jersey.
I’m pretty sure I would only be met with weird looks, but dammit I'm Jersey proud!
I know it’s obvious but it has to be said. Do you ever go to order a slice of pizza elsewhere forgetting how wildly different pizza is in other states?
It’s incredibly sobering. You can't help but praise a Jersey slice after seeing what the other states have to offer.
Much like the pace of workflow mentioned earlier, the speed on the roads is a different beast everywhere else.
As much as I get annoyed when I see the Jersey slide, I’m so happy to be back with like-minded drivers after driving behind someone going the (shudders) *speed limit* in the left lane.
So you know what, Jersey, we can mock you all we want (and we will, it's our right), but there's no denying that we miss you when we have to leave.
Well, except for the taxes.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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